We train anywhere, any day, anytime to suit business imperatives, rosters, operational necessities...

We consult and then contextualise coursework to your environment...

We specialise in double qualifications to map common modules...We build healthy organisations from within...

You, as an experienced employee, can expect consideration and respect for the skills and experience that you bring to the table...Programs are blended so that you receive recognition of prior learning(RPL) where relevant and appropriate...Our programs are designed to further enhance your skill base - a well-rounded skill set to compliment you both professionally and personally...


We aim to inspire curiosity, imagination and lifelong learning....more


Got a qualification or Statement of Attainment? Why not chat to us about gaining extra qualifications through blended learning using credit transfers and gap training!










It's easy to get started creating your website. Knowing some of the basics will help.

What is a Content Management System?

A content management system is software that allows you to create and manage webpages easily by separating the creation of your content from the mechanics required to present it on the web.

In this site, the content is stored in a database. The look and feel are created by a template. The Joomla! software brings together the template and the content to create web pages.

Site and Administrator

Your site actually has two separate sites. The site (also called the front end) is what visitors to your site will see. The administrator (also called the back end) is only used by people managing your site. You can access the administrator by clicking the "Site Administrator" link on the "This Site" menu or by adding /administrator to the end of you domain name.

Log in to the administrator using the username and password created during the installation of Joomla!.

Logging in

To login to the front end of your site use the login form or the login menu link on the "This Site" menu. Use the user name an password that were created as part of the installation process. Once logged in you will be able to create and edit articles.

In managing your site, you will be able to create content that only logged in users are able to see.

Creating an article

Once you are logged in, a new menu will be visible. To create a new article, click on the "submit article" link on that menu.

The new article interface gives you a lot of options, but all you need to do is add a title an put something in the content area. To make it easy to find, set the state to published an put it in the Joomla! category.

You can edit an existing article by clicking on the edit icon (this only displays to users who have the right to edit).

Learn more

There is much more to learn about how to use Joomla! to create the web site you envision. You can learn much more at the Joomla! documentation site and on the Joomla! forums.

Congratulations! You have a Joomla! site! Joomla! makes it easy to build a website just the way you want it and keep it simple to update and maintain.

Joomla! is a flexible and powerful platform, whether you are building a small site for yourself or a huge site with hundreds of thousands of visitors. Joomla is open source, which means you can make it work just the way you want it to.

The language switcher module allows you to take advantage of the language tags that are available when content, modules and menu links are created.

This module displays a list of available Content Languages for switching between them.

When switching languages, it redirects to the Home page defined for the chosen language. Thereafter, the navigation will be the one defined for that language.

The language filter plugin must be enabled for this module to work properly.


To view an example of the language switch moduler module, go to the site administrator and enable the language filter plugin and the language switcher module labellled "language switcher" and visit the fruit shop or park sample sites. Then follow the instructions in this tutorial.

This Module shows a list of the most recently published and current Articles. Some that are shown may have expired even though they are the most recent. Help

This module displays a username and password login form. It also displays a link to retrieve a forgotten password. If user registration is enabled (in the Global Configuration settings), another link will be shown to enable self-registration for users. Help


The Joomla! content management system lets you create webpages of various types using extensions. There are 5 basic types of extensions: components, modules, templates, languages, and plugins. Your website includes the extensions you need to create a basic website in English, but thousands of additional extensions of all types are available. TheJoomla! Extensions Directory is the largest directory of Joomla! extensions.

Registered Training Organisation


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I thoroughly enjoy Jan’s way of teaching and the way she is able to adapt her education to the various different types of people in the room...more

I just completed the Certificate IV in Leadership and Management and have never enjoyed a course more...continue

Good pace and covered lots of info in a customised mode with our varied group.  Well done! ...more

What is RPL?

A formal assessment for recognition of prior learning (RPL) will determine whether you are able to shorten the amount of further study required for a qualification...or in many cases you may be eligible for a qualification without the need for any further study at all!

One World Learning is licensed to provide nationally recognised qualifications to people based on the quality of their experience, skills and knowledge.

Contact OWL to discuss your options.

SAY WHAT...!! 

Just thought I would take the opportunity Read on...

 I was very impressed with the quality and presentation of the frontline management course as a whole More...

Industry specific

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Building Blocks





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How we started - where we're from - where to from here.

Includes staff bios and contact details.

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Some of these sites will provide recommendations to enable continuous improvement and life-long learning.


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